Muideen Has finally drag pastor Agbala Gabriel to Agidigbo (Watch Full Video) ‎

Muideen as finally drag pastor Agbala Gabriel to Agidigbo (Watch Full Video) ‎

Ogun atinueje , Ogun alenimapada , the enemies planned to return him to the Dust , he needs to pray well . Though little tyranny maybe observed but it’s all planned of the devil to return muyideen to the relegation. And he needs to check his interpersonal relationship. It’s obvious he’s not a gentleman at all and he has this deceit in his attitude. I was psychological observing him when he was stating his case. Alabosi eniyan lo ma nse be. As for the wife , all what she saw that propelled the love from
Blue Moon have all gone now , the link and the connection to where the grace was coming from for muyideen is disconnected now, I for sure that without that church and foundation connecting back to muyideen, the marriage has ended. The lady will certainly leave. O damiloju. If u go back to memory lane, I commented on their wedding post with tears of joy that what a transformation because we know what muyideen looks like and now. See the warfare roaring at him again, Ogun adanipadaseyin. God is the greatest , I pray he rescue him. As for Alhaji tiwa, ogbeni oriyomi Hamzat, Majeobaje of Africa I know him , baba ologbon, he came , he saw and he conquer. Maybe he thought the matter maybe cumbersome but I love the Pastor particularly when he said the truth and he gave reasons that it’s as a result of anger. I love you, no man is perfect eleran Ara ni gbogbo wa. God will continue to be with you. Finally, Muyideen needs to wrestle and conquer the warfare with d devil to stay free total. Freedom at last as he wanted. But let him fight for the real freedom from devil. All thought here are my personal opinion.

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